Her er litteraturlisten for juli.
Luoma, Jason B (2017) Learning ACT – second edition
Context Press – New Harbinger Publications Inc.
Yalom, Irvind D. (2006) Momma And The Meaning Of Life : Tales of Psycho-therapy
Piatkus Books
Berry, Carol A (2019) Learning from Henry Nouwenh & Vincent van Gogh
Thomassen, Barbro Raen (2019) Jord og himmel om du vil
Vårt Land Forlag
Cornell, Joseph Bharat (2015) Deep Nature Play
Crystal Clarity Publishers
Houellebecq,. Michel (2019) Seretonin
Cappelen Damm
Goleman, Daniel & Richard J. Davidson (2017) The Science of Meditation
Penguin Life
Jinpa, Thupten (2015 A Fearless Heart. How the Courage to Be Compassionate Can Transform Our Lives
Penguin Random House
Figenschou, Marit (2018) Omstart – forsoning og frigjøring
Heltsykt Forlag