Her er litteraturlisten for august.
Stoddard, Jill A. & Niloofar Afari (2014) The Big Book of ACT Metaphors
New Harbinger Publications Inc.
Tudge, Colin, (2005) The Secret Lifes of Trees
Berglund, Svein og Borgny (2011) Livsveien – om personlig utvikling inspirert av C.G. Jung og Rudolf Steiner
Antropos forlag
Sacks, Oliver (2015) Gratitude
Cornell, Joseph (2015) Sharing Nature. Nature Awareness Activities for all Ages.
Crystal Clarity
Foster, Jeff (2016) Way of Rest. Finding the Courage to hold Everything in Love.
Sounds True
Kwong, Jakusho (2003) No beginning, no end. The intimate heart of Zen.